I thank God for your answer. I have been so nervous. I have had aching in my stomach in over one hour. I still have. Thank you for SMS. I forgot my Line phone at home. We planned to take my care, where my phone was. But my friend use the car instead. I write to you on my friend's phone.
Daniel have to go out and see and talk with people, after yesterday. My longing for you are so enormous. It "hurt" so much when I'm alone!! Therefore Daniel do NOT understand that Puie can drive car in 6-10 hours WITHOUT talking to me or see me in camera!!! But of course, it easier when you are together with your sister and other friends. But it's so emotional bad for ME when I'm ALONE!! Therefore I go out this evening.
Do you know a strange thing? Just in the same minute, Daniel got a SMS from you, I got a mail from Phetlada too. Daniel stop writing to Phetlada. Daniel feel very sorry for Phetlada, if Phetlada miss Alf, so much that Daniel miss Puie!!! Daniel HAVE NO SECRETS FOR PUIE, (but Daniel feel Puie have secrets for Daniel!!), and therefore Puie can see the mail from Phetlada enclosed to this mail.
Daniel want to write to you on Line when Daniel come back home.
Please write to me at mail or SMS, if Puie want to talk to me.
God bless you so much.