UK population policy
AIM To achieve stabilisation within five years and decrease of not less than 0.25 per cent a year
thereafter to a level which is environmentally sustainable in the long term.
Bring immigration into balance with emigration (zero net migration) to ensure a level of migration
that does not incur population growth.
Offer citizenship to more refugees but fewer economic migrants. Encourage parents voluntarily to
have two or fewer children.
Financial incentives can be tailored to include tax allowances, benefits and other social subsidies,
such as maternity or paternity leave, which taper off after the second child, but with the proviso
that “safety net” arrangements are in force to ensure that children from later births do not suffer.
Make greater efforts to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.
Offer full and flexible employment opportunities to the unemployed, including the young or
disabled, and enable older people to extend their working lives.
Raise state and corporate pension ages in line with rises in life expectancy and encourage people to
save more for their old age.