the storage and holding temperature of RTE foods, in which the
consequences of lacking such knowledge will lead to cross
contamination and increased harmful microbial growth in foods.
Although there was a positive association among the level of
knowledge, attitudes and practices of the respondents, nevertheless
via the observation, it can be seen that many of them did not
always apply the knowledge they have learned when in actual
practices of handling foods. Therefore, effective and compulsory
food safety training on a regular and ongoing basis should be
conducted for all food service employees in order to minimize the
prevalence of foodborne hazards.
There are a few limitations in this study. The data were relied
on self-reporting from food handlers that might exhibited bias as
no confirmation could be taken during the completion of questionnaires
by respondents, who may have misinterpreted the
statement and response choices. This methodology also may not
reflect true practices and behavior of the food handlers in actual
kitchen settings. Furthermore, with limited population of food
handlers since the study only focused on cafeterias in the Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia in Bangi campus, these results
should not be generalized to the entire territory or country and
other operations as well. Further research is needed so that the
comparison of the scores of other food handlers in all universities
in Malaysia can be made in order to see the overall scenario
of the cafeterias’ operations and thus compliance to the food
safety standards and practices. Moreover, it would be worthwhile
if future research involving the collaboration from government
agencies such as the Ministry of Health or other related
agencies so that larger respondents from universities can be
surveyed and therefore increased the effectiveness of the food
safety study.
Authors would like to acknowledge funding assistance from
UKM-GUP-KRIB-14/2008, UKM-OUP-NBT-29-137/2011, UKM-GUP-
2011-181 and DPP-2013-047 for this project. The cooperation of
food handlers at residential colleges and canteens of the Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia is also appreciated.
the storage and holding temperature of RTE foods, in which the
consequences of lacking such knowledge will lead to cross
contamination and increased harmful microbial growth in foods.
Although there was a positive association among the level of
knowledge, attitudes and practices of the respondents, nevertheless
via the observation, it can be seen that many of them did not
always apply the knowledge they have learned when in actual
practices of handling foods. Therefore, effective and compulsory
food safety training on a regular and ongoing basis should be
conducted for all food service employees in order to minimize the
prevalence of foodborne hazards.
There are a few limitations in this study. The data were relied
on self-reporting from food handlers that might exhibited bias as
no confirmation could be taken during the completion of questionnaires
by respondents, who may have misinterpreted the
statement and response choices. This methodology also may not
reflect true practices and behavior of the food handlers in actual
kitchen settings. Furthermore, with limited population of food
handlers since the study only focused on cafeterias in the Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia in Bangi campus, these results
should not be generalized to the entire territory or country and
other operations as well. Further research is needed so that the
comparison of the scores of other food handlers in all universities
in Malaysia can be made in order to see the overall scenario
of the cafeterias’ operations and thus compliance to the food
safety standards and practices. Moreover, it would be worthwhile
if future research involving the collaboration from government
agencies such as the Ministry of Health or other related
agencies so that larger respondents from universities can be
surveyed and therefore increased the effectiveness of the food
safety study.
Authors would like to acknowledge funding assistance from
UKM-GUP-KRIB-14/2008, UKM-OUP-NBT-29-137/2011, UKM-GUP-
2011-181 and DPP-2013-047 for this project. The cooperation of
food handlers at residential colleges and canteens of the Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia is also appreciated.
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