Column 18: Lumber or Clutter on the Ground Put a check in this column if a significant amount(covering at least 1 square yard or 1 square meter) of lumber, firewood, or clutter is on the ground. These materials provide harborage for rodents. Clutter, either outdoors or indoors, is defined as disorganiz storage of usable materials(not rubbish) that is not being used and which impedes inspections for activ rodent infestation. A few scattered pieces of lumber or other materials should not be recorded, nor should lumber left on the ground as result of recent building construction or demolition and is subject to early removal. If the amount to quantified, estimate the number of cubic yards(or cubic meters) to the nearest whole number. The number recorded in the Total row. at the bottom of the column, however, is always the total number of premises with a deficiency. The total number of cubic yards(or cubic meters) of lumber or clutter may be entered directly below the column total for premises