Parallelization: Table 2 shows the average seconds per frame for
different simulations using our system. Notice that our system
achieves good speedups as we increase the number of processors
(from around 4.5x - 6x on 10 processors). For some examples, the
performance gains reduce or even become negative around 12 processors.
This is due to the communication cost beginning to exceed
the gains of using more cores - usually because there are not enough
hair points on each processor. Communication costs are even more
dominant if we do not use our hair-hair contact pruning. When not
using our pruning, performance drops by a factor of 1.4x - 4.1x depending
on the example. With simulation times of 13.4 seconds per
frame for our RedHead hero character and her complex hair, our
simulator has proved to be extremely efficient in our production
Table 2: Average frame time (in seconds) for the walk cycle of our RedHead character (averaged over 232 frames) and Horse character
(averaged over 119 frames). Simulations and timings were run on dual X5660 2.80GHz processor machine with 12 cores and 24 GB memory.