The output step contains two stages. These are assessment and revising instruction. In the first stage, teacher
assessts teching and learning activities in the instructional design model. Instructional designer uses formative
and summative evaluation methods to check goals and objectives. This process requires teacher to implement
assessment tools to determine whether the students did demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that
teacher described in instruction goals and objectives or not. When the students participate in the instructional
activities, teachers want to know whether they learned what the instructional plan expected them to learn. To
determine student learning, educational measurement and evaluation process should be implemented by teachers.
This process gives teachers results on what students learn from the instruction. Teachers should analyze the
results and make decision on where to go in the instruction. In the last stage, instructional designer evaluate all
instructional activities. Instructional designer finds problems during the instructional design process. Then,
instructional designer solve the problems then redisgn the instruction.