The paper describes of feasibility a small solar simulator class C based on computer program for calculation fo point-by-point lllumination. It is design concept and the construction of a Class Ca small solar simulator based on the Australian Solar Simulator Standard AS 2915-1987. We use a computer program to calculate a point-by-point illlumination on a plane resulting from 20 tungsten quartz halogen lamps, each of 50 W. We obtain a small simulator having a 20x32 cm test area. The intensity on the plane is 1,094 W/m and the uniformity is 9.98% The compared due characteristic I-V cureve between indoor test by solar simulator and outdoor test by sun light of solar module 3 modules. The result of parameters are short circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power, fill factor (FF) and series resistance by solar simulator its is significance with sunlight in under condition same radiation. There were alson used to solar simulator find parameters are solar cells and solar modules. Key words : Solar simulator, Point-by-point illumination program