1. Use the process control plan for common and general so we don’t have to do lot of duplication in document
2. For SKU, it should be detail level that specify to individual SKU in control level. General one will be specify in item 1.
3. Specify objective of this control plan; focus on quality or other perspective such as security purpose as well. Since now production has limited resource so team who join might not be understand the usage of control plan, thus, we need KD team to help discuss with team on each control if it seem not match with the purpose krub and welcome to walk in shop floor to get understand if the current process input is proper logically krub.
4. List of current member who join in separate between FE and FN. Now some of member of FE is not in invitation list krub.
5. Since we are moving toward SS 2016. I would like to have more detail parameter from New product development team. As we see, there are technical defect and process control defect. Those process control defect (from phase 2 and Sell in) should be specified with control that need to do krub. Production team that can feedback if it is possible at mass level. If we use only current control, I believe we will not move toward improvement yet krub.