A 25-year-old male professional hockey player with right
sided hip pain was diagnosed with myofascopathy of the
right psoas major and rectus femoris. The patient
maintained a conservative treatment regimen and was
prescribed a four week active strengthening program.
The program progressed from resisted concentric
exercise to eccentric abduction/adduction exercises
along with balance training, core stabilizing and
endurance exercises in the first two weeks. In the final
two weeks the program progressed to include sport
specific exercises. At three weeks the patient was able to
participate in non-contact practice and was clear for full
contact at five weeks. The anatomy, biomechanics, and
function of the psoas major muscle are discussed as is its
influence on lumbar spine stability. Evidence-based
evaluation and management strategies for psoas
dysfunction are presented.
(JCCA 2009; 53(4):311–318)