Staging: 2 chairs set up center stage as a car
2 chairs set up stage right as female 2’s car
Scene: (Females are walking home from school)
Female 1: I can’t believe we’re seniors! It seems like just yesterday we were
spending all day playing with dolls.
Female 2: Yeah! Remember when we cut our fingers and made ourselves “blood
Female 1: Our saying was always “Friends to the end!”
Female 2: Wow! Look at that guy! He’s pretty good looking.
Female 1: I don’t know. He looks like a stoner to me. (Females walk closer to the
Female 2: Hey you’re new in town aren’t you?
Male: Yeah, my name is (Insert name here).
Female 2: (Insert female 2’s name) and this is my friend (Insert female 1’s name).
Male: (Turning his back to Female 1 to block her from the conversation) Hey, I
heard some guy’s having a party tonight, you want to go?
Female 1: (Insert female 2’s name) and I are going to the mall tonight!
Female 2: Okay, well here’s my phone number. Call me!
Male: Sure- see ya!
Female 1: (Insert Female 2’s name) What are you doing?
Female 2: Trying to be nice. Is that a crime?
Female 1: No, Whatever, I have to go. Call me later. (Inside Female 2 sits down and
the phone rings).
Female 2: Hello.
Male: Is (Insert Female 2’s name) there?
Female 2: Yes, this is she.
Male: Hey (Insert Female 2’s name). This is (Insert Male’s name). I just heard
that the party has been cancelled. Do you still want to do something
Female 2: But what about (Insert Female 1’s name)?
Male: Can’t you dump her somehow?
Friends Page 2 of 2
Female 2: Well, I guess I could tell her that I’m sick.
Male: Great! I’ll pick you up at 7:00 (After they hang up, Female 2 calls Female
Female 1: (Picking up the phone) Hello.
Female 2: Hey, I’m not feeling too well, do you mind if we didn’t go out tonight?
Female 1: (Looking disappointed) No, that’s okay. I hope you’re feeling better soon.
(Male drives up in the car and walks up to Female 2’s house and knocks).
Female 2: Hi (Insert Male’s name) Let’s go! (They get into the car).
Male: Do you know where we can go somewhere that’s private?
Female 2: Uh-yeah. Go up here and turn right. (Male turns and both imitate riding in
a car).
Male: I brought you something. (Pulls out a joint)
Female 2: What is it? (Looking confused)
Male: It’s a joint. don’t you smoke pot?
Female 2: Uh, oh yeah, all the time.
Male: That’s better. (Lights it up) Here take some. (Female 2 takes some and
coughs violently).
Male: It’s good stuff huh?
Female 2: Yeah, it’s great (Pretending to like it, but not really)
Male: Well, I’d better get you back home. (Drives back) I really had a good time
Female 2: Yeah, me too. Call me, okay? (She goes inside as male drives away)
(Someone goes across the stage with a sign that reads “One month later”).
Male: Let’s go.
Female 2: Bye Mom.
Female 2: (When outside, Female 2 pulls a joint from her pocket) I brought the stuff
Male: Look, you’re pretty boring. All you ever want to do is get high.
Female 2: I thought that’s what you liked.
Male: I used to, but now it’s starting to bring me down. None of my friends are
doing it.
Female 2: So I gave up my best friend for you, and now you are dumping me?
Male: I guess so, I never made you give up your friends, you did it on your own.
Life’s tough, deal with it. (Female 2 gets out of car crying and goes into
her house. Music starts at the beginning of the song, quietly. Female 1
walks over to female 2’s house, as the music gets louder).
Female 2: (Opens door, still crying) Hi, What do you want?
Female 1: I thought you might need someone to talk to. I heard about (Insert Male
Female 2: Yeah, Listen, I’ve really been a jerk lately. I’m sorry. I’ve also been using
drugs lately, and I need help.
Female 1: (Grabs Female 2’s hand and stands up) Of course. Friends to the end,
Female 2: Yeah, Friends to the end. (They hug, and the music gets louder and then
fades out)