Welcome to your new CG Community!
and thanks for your registration ^-^
With your free account, you download up to 15 textures every day for free,
Small 'and' Medium 'sized images, there are no limits for 3d models.
NOTE : The download count is based on 24 hours: if I start to download today's at 3 o'clock pm, and I reach the limit, can I download again tomorrow, after 3 o'clock pm
At this link , you will find useful information for understanding how to best utilize the site as it works, and what are the options you have.
We have to load still many textures, currently lack the textures of fabrics and carpets and a part of the tiles textures, which will load a little at a time over the next few days, but are available now about 50,000, all seamless , and many excellent new textures
We have yet load many of the 3d models, which are still currently-available on our blog, being very large files, this operation takes a long time, so will be uploaded a little at a time, day by day.
We're always refining our services to encounter all kind of professional requirements. Every suggestions and counsel will be keep in consideration. Meanwhile we would thank all of you for your time and participation
We remember that every day, we add new textures
photographed by us, and absolutely unique and exclusive
For any doubt, about the use of textures, please see our terms of use
If you are experiencing problems, please contact us here
We wish you good work and good surfing.
Sketchup texture Club Admins
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