The offices were located along double loaded corridors of the
building. Each office had one external wall with double glazed
window and there were internal blinds. The azimuth of the main
facade is 4◦ for office A, 274◦ for office B, and 94◦ for offices C
and D.
Table 1 shows the details of the four offices investigated
in this study. Occupants of offices A, B and C were postgraduate
students and office D housed three administrative
employees. The number of occupants in the office ranged
from three to seven. The installed lighting power density was
from 9.29 W m−2 in office B to 10.47 W m−2 in offices A, C
and D.
There were two identical lighting zones in each office. Each lighting
zone consisted of six fluorescent lamps except for office B in
which there was four florescent in a lighting zone. Each zone was
controlled by a light switch. Two lighting switches were positioned
beside the entrance door in each office.