However, the budget of Owner's manual not belongs us.
My understanding, price of Owner's Manual included in the vehicle price.
If we prepare the English owner's Manual, the price of vehicle will increase.
Accordingly, we would like to know, if you have more details of customer demand such as,
1. How many customer request English version of O/M?
2. What is their actual demand, all of them, would like to get same quality as Thai?
or they just want to know the contents?
3. Can they accept digital material such as PDF?
For your information,
Minimum amount of printing at supplier : 500 books
Approx. estimation cost for O/M : 1,000THB/book
(If English version O/M issued one by one)
However, the budget of Owner's manual not belongs us.My understanding, price of Owner's Manual included in the vehicle price.If we prepare the English owner's Manual, the price of vehicle will increase.Accordingly, we would like to know, if you have more details of customer demand such as,1. How many customer request English version of O/M?2. What is their actual demand, all of them, would like to get same quality as Thai? or they just want to know the contents?3. Can they accept digital material such as PDF? For your information,Minimum amount of printing at supplier : 500 booksApprox. estimation cost for O/M : 1,000THB/book (If English version O/M issued one by one)
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