In today’s world , there is nearly nobody who has any ilness and problem. However; the most common ilness in our era is sleeplessness named insomnia. This ilness can be seen in every person from young to old and nowadays the number of people that have difficulty in sleeping is increasing day by day. Why people can not sleep? There are many causes but there are three main reasons that contribute to insomnia. Stres, some ilnesses and some drugs.
Firstly, the most important cause of insomnia is stres that affects us negatively. It is inevitable that we can escape from the stressor .Even daily hassles can be stressor in our life for instance waiting in the line may be a stressor for us and all of stressors might lead to insomnia.when you have a problem, you always think that problem and you can not sleep comfortly.For example, unemployed people may not sleep well on the grounds that they have many economical problems.They always think about these problems so this leads to stress.Also students can have insomnia. before the exam week they may not sleep well because of stres.
Secondly, some serious illnesses such as mıgrain, ulcer, cancer can cause insomnia. Headaches in our brain prevent us from sleeping. It can increase the pain and we can not sleep. When we have some serious ilnesses, Physcologically we are under a great deal of pressure thats why ıt can cause insomnia. For example, people who have cancer may not sleep easily because of their illnesses.They suffer from cancer and they always think about their health..Therefore, some serious illnesses lead to insomnia.
Lastly, people may not sleep because of drugs. Many people use drugs when they get sick, and most of these drugs have some serious side effects.One of them is insomnia, so some drugs can also affect insomnia.
In conclusion, many people ignore insomnia and they forget the importance of this illness, but it can cause many difficulties for people. If we can not sleep, we may be agressive or pessimistic. İn addition, we can not focuse on our work thats why we get tired more. Finally, needless to say that insomnia is serious case which shouldn't be taken lightly in terms of our health and our physciology. For a good sleep, we can take some precautions.May be, we can be more careful about drugs and medicines and we can be stronger against to hardships. If we can do so, we can be succesful..