The Plant Tissue Culture laboratory is constantly trying to achieve as much as it possibly can. There are numerous research projects which are undertaken and at the same time, the production unit also has numerous projects for the large scale production of saplings of numerous plants.
Production Unit
The capacity of the production unit in the Plant tissue culture laboratory is about 1 million per year. Even though the laboratory has the ability to produce these many saplings in a year, this is not achievable as most of the people involved in the production have other commitments like research, seminars and extension activities too. But Dr.B.N.Sathyanarayana believes that in spite of all these hindrances, the plant tissue culture laboratory is capable of producing about 500,000 plants in a year. With half the target being met with in a period of 7 months, it can be assured that laboratory will be successful in fulfilling their goal.
Research and Development Unit
The world of plant tissue culture and biotechnology is a relatively new and unexplored one. The findings in this field seem to cropping up almost every other day. Research on plant biotechnology and plant tissue culture happens in the plant tissue culture laboratory almost all through the year. The Laboratory is given various projects to work on and the research findings generated by this laboratory every year reveals the quality of the work done in the plant tissue culture laboratory.