When he walked into the canteen, many students who knew him had greeted him. There was no teacher student ceremonies to observe and it felt very endearing. After all, Zhang Ye was not the traditional type of teacher. He was a host who had diversified into teaching. He could even be considered a comedian of sorts due to his Talk Show, and so everyone’s perception of Zhang Ye was much more familiar, unlike the other teachers and professors who they would behave very well when they saw them. Zhang Ye didn’t have the air of a lecturer about him.
Zhang Ye smiled, “How am I a big shot? The salary for this month has not be issued yet. If I don’t save a little, I might not even be able to pay my rent.”
“You still need to pay rent?”
“Teacher Zhang is claiming to be poor!”
Quite a number of students nearby burst out laughing.
Zhang Ye then went to line up properly since there was no distinction between the student and teacher’s queue.