1. Establish performance standards for personal communications such as orientation, job/task instruction, planned personal contacts, and job performance coaching.
2. Enable personal communications training for all supervisors.
3. Audit personal communications performance.
4. Recommend orientation program procedure and content.
5. Help conduct orientations for new and transferred employees.
6. Conduct orientation follow-ups.
7. Keep records of initial orientations and formal follow-ups.
8. Provide supervisors. and others who instruct, with a written guide to giving good job/task instruction.
9. Insure that workers who instruct others on critical tasks are trained as well as supervisors in job task instruction technique.
10. Provide effective instruction for each critical job/task assigned to workers.
11. Use promotional techniques to encourage planned personal contacts and key point tips. 12. Conduct planned personal contacts with employees.
13. Keep records of planned personal contacts.
14. Give key point tips when assigning critical tasks to workers.
15. Use random sampling to validate the application of planned personal contacts and key point tips.
16. Check coaching practices with a systematic self-appraisal.
17. Use "corrective coaching" with subordinates with performance problems.
18. Keep records of corrective coaching cases.
19. Use "developmental coaching" with all subordinates.
20. Keep performance appraisal and discussion records.
21. Reinforce positive applications of personal communication skills.