The main aim of the model is to incorporate at one place all the details of corporate social
responsibility discharged in a clear and precise manner. The social responsibility statement
would enable the user to understand the investment and capital expenditure incurred on social
items. It will also show the increase/decrease in the social investment in comparison to the
previous year’s figure and also the percentage of increase or decrease. It will also show the
percentage of total profit spent for social cause. The statement showing social damage caused,
on the other hand, will bring to notice the social damage caused to the society by the concern
while operating its business and the percentage of increase/decrease in comparison to the
previous year’s figure. The social income and expenditure statement would show the excess of
social expenditure made on social activities during the year over the income earned from
social activities or just the reverse. If the amount spent on social activities is more than that on
social income, the difference should be shown in the debit side of P/L a/c as ‘social cost’
while if it is less, the difference will be placed in the credit side of the P/L a/c as ‘social