1 Practice the conversation with a partner
2 work with a partner. Look at the pictures and the crucial factors in the industry. Do you think each company would be a good long-term investment? Take turns asking questions and giving answers with reasons.
Crucial factors: Price and convenience
Crucial factors: Pollution and renewable energy
Useful phrases:
People will want…… People won’t want….
I think people will want …… I don’t think people will want……
I think there will be ….. I don,t think there will be …..
MODULE 9.3 Instant decisions
1 A financial advisor is meeting a private client. Match what the advisor says in A with the client’s replies in B.
A Would you like some tea or coffee?
B I think you should invest in this company
C Here’s that report on the banking sector I mentioned.
D Have you got the details of you shareholdings with you?
E when’s a good time for us to have another meeting?
1 thanks – I’ll take a look at it later
2 I’m not sure. I’ll take a look at my diary and let you know.
3 No – I’ll e-mail them to you this afternoon.
4 I’ll have a cup of cffee.
5 OK – I’ll buy 2,000 shares