before, during, and after reading, or by any of the vocabulary or comprehension frequency variables. Duration allocated by teachers to vocabulary association questioning, on the other hand, significantly predicted posttest PPVT scores ( = 0.058, p = .044). Thus,a 1-second increase in duration of teacher-associating vocabulary was predictive of a .058-point increase in posttest PPVT scores(MOOSESTM duration codes are in seconds). The duration of teachers’ comprehension-association questioning was also a significant positive predictor ( = 0.339, p = .046). Thus, a 1-s increase in the duration of comprehension-association activities was predictive of a .339-point increase in posttest PPVT score. Although this effect is large, it should be kept in mind that the average teacher spent only 7 s in this activity (see Table 4), the modal teacher spent 0 s,and only two teachers spent as long as 20 s. Therefore, this finding cannot be extrapolated beyond the very limited range of the scores.