Cement industries contribute to total global particulate emission (NAEI 2002). The pulverized materials released to the atmosphere in the form of dust. Constitute a major source of air pollutant (TNO and Princewaterhouse Cooper 2002). Besides transportation of law materials, stock-piles, and quarrying : also, dusts are emitted during the following process operations: kilns operation, clinker cooling and milling (EIPPC 2001). The dusts are generally toxic and hazardous, which can be a serious health risk to humans (Ian and David 2002), but not limited to respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis. (U.S. EPA 1999b). Eight-hourly dust exposure limits of 10 mg/m3 for inhalable dust and 40 mg/m3 for respiratory dust are recommended by Lafarge Cement, UK(2006).