want someone who will love me the way I am. I want someone who will open her heart and let me love her with all my love I want to be the best man that I can be for her and take care of her.
my name's mark I live in Seattle Washington USA ...I work for an international hotel chain we have hotels all over the world.
..I'm 51 years young...no drinking no smoking no drugs here ...I feel much younger and I live my life with a good attitude and I'm very full of love in my heart it overflows and touches all the life around me.
I live alone I want to travel
honesty is my only policy tell the truth and we will get along very very good...
my life is good because I have a relationship with our Creator with God with Buddha with whatever the energy source of the universe is the name does not matter what's important for me is that I have a loving relationship with this God and because of this my life is very very good I'm very blessed with many gifts.
.I like to travel and experience other cultures. my hope is to come to asia and visit Thailand sometime next year.
I try to communicate with many people on this website and say hello. Please do not be offended. I'm only talking to get to know people, specifically women. I'm searching for a woman that will love me forever. show me about you tell me about you convince me that you're the one and I will respond and we will talk.
I have no membership at this website. It takes 10 minutes for me if I send one message I must wait 10 minutes to send to message. I have no ID, I have no no computer in my home. I speak into my telephone my cell phone and leave messages. I use my phone to connect internet. when I'm at work and when I'm at home I leave my connection to the website open so it looks like I'm online when I'm not online.