For me the Most Important Qualities that I seek in a woman is Truth, Honestly and Neatness, I don't really care too much about Beauty, because beauty fades with time, but a woman with a good heart will always remain a good woman and I want some one who would help me love and train Sam into a Good Man in the Future.One of the reason why I like Thai Lady is that our former Neighbors was Thai woman,married to American Man ,She help me look after Sam very well after He was born,she was very Kind,she would feed Sam,dress him up.She helped me so much while Sam was between Age 0-5 Years old, because I was confused at the beginning of how to change diapers and bath him,Make Baby Food. But they have Moved to Another state with her Husband and I can't reach them and don't know where they are.Since then I have been taking care of my Son by myself and now I can say I am an Expert Father and Mother and I can take care of any child. That makes me to know that Thai has good women too.That is why I decided to look for a Thai Partner that will be willing to be my Wife.