2014AbstractThe transition between transparent and opaque of as-sintered zeolite samples is employed to study the temperature distribution of non-conductingsamples during spark plasma sintering (SPS) process in this paper. The results show that temperature gradients exist in both radial and axialdirections, which provide direct evidence of temperature distribution in the SPS process. The sample prepared at 1325◦C is transparent in thecenter and opaque in the edge, which suggests that the temperature of the center is higher than the edge and the temperature differential is about26◦C by the thermal analysis model based on the experimental data in ANSYS code. The axial temperature gradient is also present in the as-sinteredsample obtained at 1315◦C. The transparent part of the upper surface is larger than the lower surface, which illustrates that the temperature of theupper surface was higher than the lower surface and the difference is about 5◦C.