Students will discover whether tapping the top or the side of the can will stop a vigorously-shaken can of soda from exploding into a sticky mess and the logic behind it.
Research Questions:
What happens when you vigorously shake a can of soda and then open it? Why does this happen?
How much shaking would you have to do to a can of soda to get it to explode?
Carbonated water is water in which the carbon dioxide gas (CO2 ) has been dissolved. This process is called carbonation. CO2 is present in the air we breath and is the component that gives soda its signature gassy fizz and crackling noise when you open it. This happens because gas molecules are rapidly trying to escape the airtight can (lots of concentrated pressure) when you let air inside. When you open the can of soda, you lower the pressure and this is manifested in the form of bubbles and fizz.
A few cans of unopened, regular, non-diet soda preferably clear-colored (like 7-up or club soda)...so when it explodes, it does not stain anything.
You and your hands
Apron or a smock (don't wear any fancy clothes or it might get ruined)
Pen and paper for notes