The findings show that while participants have made efforts to liaise with the regional office about the implementation of the PMS, the office has not been reciprocal in terms of providing support to make the role of overseeing the PMS less difficult. FFA for instance, explains that as school heads, they have sent written reports to the regional office but rarely ever get feedback. He further indicates: “We had expected that our regional supervisors would keep regular contact with us, but regrettably in most cases, this does not happen.” At the time
of the interview, he was concerned that as the term was coming to an end they have not heard from or have not been visited by anyone from the regional office. FFA indicates that the Chief Education Officer has neither phoned him nor paid a visit to check on the progress of the implementation process. Further reflecting on Chief Education Officers, ZZB reveals that while they are responsible for the supervision of the school heads in particular, “they hardly ever visit schools for monitoring purposes and give us advice,” and that this makes it
difficult for school leaders to effectively implement the reform. A head of house, NNB is also concerned that the Chief has not been coming to their school for a long time. He recalls: “I remember seeing him once but even then he didn't stay long enough to get a clear understanding of how we were struggling to implement PMS.”
WWA complains about Ministry officials for their tendency to be “visible only when they have to talk about the changes that they want to see brought about but never really make follow ups.”
The regional office failure to liaise with schools is construed by participants as a major setback to senior management’s efforts to oversee the implementation process. As summed up by DDA, the regional office is not visible to discuss with senior management the PMS and give them support as overseers of the implementation process. He explains: “They don't interact with us in spite of our efforts to send progress reports about the PMS.So without their support we are finding it difficult to effectively implement this reform.”
The findings show that while participants have made efforts to liaise with the regional office about the implementation of the PMS, the office has not been reciprocal in terms of providing support to make the role of overseeing the PMS less difficult. FFA for instance, explains that as school heads, they have sent written reports to the regional office but rarely ever get feedback. He further indicates: “We had expected that our regional supervisors would keep regular contact with us, but regrettably in most cases, this does not happen.” At the timeof the interview, he was concerned that as the term was coming to an end they have not heard from or have not been visited by anyone from the regional office. FFA indicates that the Chief Education Officer has neither phoned him nor paid a visit to check on the progress of the implementation process. Further reflecting on Chief Education Officers, ZZB reveals that while they are responsible for the supervision of the school heads in particular, “they hardly ever visit schools for monitoring purposes and give us advice,” and that this makes itdifficult for school leaders to effectively implement the reform. A head of house, NNB is also concerned that the Chief has not been coming to their school for a long time. He recalls: “I remember seeing him once but even then he didn't stay long enough to get a clear understanding of how we were struggling to implement PMS.”คกีบ่นเกี่ยวกับเจ้าหน้าที่กระทรวงสำหรับแนวโน้มที่จะ "มองเห็นได้เฉพาะ เมื่อพวกเขามีการพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ต้องการดูมาแต่เคยให้ ups ตาม"สำนักความล้มเหลวในการติดต่อประสานงานกับโรงเรียนคือตีความ โดยผู้เรียนเป็นสำคัญความล้มเหลวในความพยายามของผู้บริหารเพื่อกำกับดูแลขั้นตอนการดำเนินการ สำนักงานภูมิภาคจะไม่เห็นหารือกับผู้บริหารของ PMS และให้การสนับสนุนเป็นคุมกระบวนการดำเนินงานเป็นบวกรวม โดย DDA เขาอธิบาย: "พวกเขาไม่โต้ตอบกับเราทั้ง ๆ ที่ มีความพยายามในการส่งรายงานความคืบหน้าเกี่ยวกับการ PMS ของเรา ดังนั้น ไม่สนับสนุนของ เรากำลังมองหามันยากที่จะดำเนินการปฏิรูปนี้ได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ"
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