Every social class has cultivated the art of traditional storytelling, which reflects the culture, tradition and social contacts of the storyteller and audience. Today, folk literature is considered an important part of every child's cultural heritage. The researcher uses these motifs to analyze and identify the similarities in tales in tales from various cultures. Some motifs are practically universal. The possession of an oppressive power is an essential factor in many fairly tales. The villain in fairy tales is evil like the witched or step mother who usually die in the end. The fairy tale indicates women's predicament of being oppressed by the dominant power. Such as in Cinderella the jealousy between Cinderella and step sister is stretched to such an extent that the girl goes through hell. Therefore, There are different forms of oppression present in fairy tales, which is the most negative use power: it is power someone or something
Collusion an interlaced oppression and it either conscious or unconscious. There are very meaning of oppressive power in the stories. They posses a different type oppressive power they defeat the villain and are being oppressed.