Caution! Caution ! Caution ! Me too ! Caution ! The sellers is not tru การแปล - Caution! Caution ! Caution ! Me too ! Caution ! The sellers is not tru บาสก์ วิธีการพูด

Caution! Caution ! Caution ! Me too

Caution! Caution ! Caution ! Me too ! Caution ! The sellers is not trustworthy. I bought an item via their eBay store on April and haven't received the itemp. At first, during the period of time in which I am able to open to dispute on the transaction, the seller answered my emails swearing the item was resent. However neither the item nor a refund was received. To make things worse, once my buyer protection period was over the seller stopped responding.I would never buy anything at any price from someone who manages is business his such way.Disgraces .
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ผลลัพธ์ (บาสก์) 1: [สำเนา]
Kontuz! Kontuz! Kontuz! Nik ere bai! Kontuz! Saltzaileek ez da fidatzekoa. Elementu bat erosi nuen bere eBay denda bidez apirilaren on eta ez dute itemp jaso. Hasieran, denbora horretan, transakzio buruzko gatazka irekitzeko gai naiz garaian, saltzaileak nire emailak erantzunik elementua berbiltzea zen swearing. Hala ere ez elementua ezta itzulketa jaso zen. Gauzak gehiago okertzeko, saltzaileak baino gehiago behin nire erosleak babes aldia zen gelditu responding.I litzateke inoiz ezer erosi prezioa edozein norbait kudeatzen enpresa da bere way.Disgraces esaterako from.
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