the 28 developing countries all around the world. Tables
1 and 2 show the study period, number of patients,
age, sex, level of injury, completeness of SCI and etiology.
A paper about SCI epidemiological characteristics had
been written in the two cities of Kabul and Herat, Afghanistan,
independently [11] . Therefore, we included the paper
as two independent studies. One unpublished study
from Saudi Arabia was extracted from the ISCoS. Our
personal contact with the ISCoS office showed that they
published data without estimation
The proportion of male patients was higher than 66%
in all studies. The random pooled estimate for male proportion
among all countries was 82.8 (95% confidence
interval, CI: 80.3–85.2). The data were heterogeneous (Q:
1,097, d.f.: 51, p < 0.001, moment-based estimate of between-
studies variance = 0.007). Zimbabwe had the highest
male-to-female ratio (12.4: 1) [73] and Nigeria had the
lowest (2: 1) [40]