50hz ? No!
2 weeks ago•
For a lucid dream, Obe or Astral Projection, THETA is the best one. It is the same brainwave frequency for REM (dream) sleep which is also great for helping to lengthen and enhance dreams. For conscious thought, problem solving and to focus, GAMMA is a great stimulant. I use it to study all of the time. DELTA is used for a very deep sleep or meditative state. It can be used to help with insomnia and trouble staying asleep at night.
2 years ago•1
hey man,can u explain to me (i can see u have other binaural beats videos) which ones are for what?ex. if i wanna have a lucid dream which should i listen to or for an obe which one again?
2 years ago•
I love your work Jon and I appreciate the thought! I made a relaxing ambient track, it's on my channel if you would like to have a listen. All the best!
2 years ago•
BETA is similar in state to Gamma, but it is used for active concentration and cognitive thought. ALPHA is similar to Theta, in which this is also a state for REM dreams to occur in, but is also associated with relaxation and a pre-awake state. Great for common meditation. If you go on the Binaural Beats Wikipedia page and scroll down to the 'Brain Waves' section, you can see a clear list of the frequency ranges and their associated states. It is very easy to read and understand.
2 years ago•1
Jon Goertz
I just wanted to say thank you for subscribing to me. I find all of this stuff very fascinating. I love the idea of "music" to sleep to and am going to be doing a collab with a friend to make very chill and relaxing ambient type music soon :)
2 year