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Height* -- 150 cm / 4´11"151 cm / 4´11"152 cm / 4´11"153 cm / 5´0"154 cm / 5´0"155 cm / 5´1"156 cm / 5´1"157 cm / 5´1"158 cm / 5´2"159 cm / 5´2"160 cm / 5´2"161 cm / 5´3"162 cm / 5´3"163 cm / 5´4"164 cm / 5´4"165 cm / 5´4"166 cm / 5´5"167 cm / 5´5"168 cm / 5´6"169 cm / 5´6"170 cm / 5´6"171 cm / 5´7"172 cm / 5´7"173 cm / 5´8"174 cm / 5´8"175 cm / 5´8"176 cm / 5´9"177 cm / 5´9"178 cm / 5´10"179 cm / 5´10"180 cm / 5´10"181 cm / 5´11"182 cm / 5´11"183 cm / 6´0"184 cm / 6´0"185 cm / 6´0"186 cm / 6´1"187 cm / 6´1"188 cm / 6´2"189 cm / 6´2"190 cm / 6´2"191 cm / 6´3"192 cm / 6´3"193 cm / 6´3"194 cm / 6´4"195 cm / 6´4"196 cm / 6´5"197 cm / 6´5"198 cm / 6´5"199 cm / 6´6"200 cm / 6´6"201 cm / 6´7"202 cm / 6´7"203 cm / 6´7"204 cm / 6´8"205 cm / 6´8"206 cm / 6´9"207 cm / 6´9"208 cm / 6´9"209 cm / 6´10"210 cm / 6´10"211 cm / 6´11"212 cm / 6´11"213 cm / 6´11"214 cm / 7´0"215 cm / 7´0"
Weight* -- 30 kg / 66 pounds31 kg / 68 pounds32 kg / 70 pounds33 kg / 72 pounds34 kg / 74 pounds35 kg / 77 pounds36 kg / 79 pounds37 kg / 81 pounds38 kg / 83 pounds39 kg / 85 pounds40 kg / 88 pounds41 kg / 90 pounds42 kg / 92 pounds43 kg / 94 pounds44 kg / 97 pounds45 kg / 99 pounds46 kg / 101 pounds47 kg / 103 pounds48 kg / 105 pounds49 kg / 108 pounds50 kg / 110 pounds51 kg / 112 pounds52 kg / 114 pounds53 kg / 116 pounds54 kg / 119 pounds55 kg / 121 pounds56 kg / 123 pounds57 kg / 125 pounds58 kg / 127 pounds59 kg / 130 pounds60 kg / 132 pounds61 kg / 134 pounds62 kg / 136 pounds63 kg / 138 pounds64 kg / 141 pounds65 kg / 143 pounds66 kg / 145 pounds67 kg / 147 pounds68 kg / 149 pounds69 kg / 152 pounds70 kg / 154 pounds71 kg / 156 pounds72 kg / 158 pounds73 kg / 160 pounds74 kg / 163 pounds75 kg / 165 pounds76 kg / 167 pounds77 kg / 169 pounds78 kg / 171 pounds79 kg / 174 pounds80 kg / 176 pounds81 kg / 178 pounds82 kg / 180 pounds83 kg / 182 pounds84 kg / 185 pounds85 kg / 187 pounds86 kg / 189 pounds87 kg / 191 pounds88 kg / 194 pounds89 kg / 196 pounds90 kg / 198 pounds91 kg / 200 pounds92 kg / 202 pounds93 kg / 205 pounds94 kg / 207 pounds95 kg / 209 pounds96 kg / 211 pounds97 kg / 213 pounds98 kg / 216 pounds99 kg / 218 pounds100 kg / 220 pounds101 kg / 222 pounds102 kg / 224 pounds103 kg / 227 pounds104 kg / 229 pounds105 kg / 231 pounds106 kg / 233 pounds107 kg / 235 pounds108 kg / 238 pounds109 kg / 240 pounds110 kg / 242 pounds111 kg / 244 pounds112 kg / 246 pounds113 kg / 249 pounds114 kg / 251 pounds115 kg / 253 pounds116 kg / 255 pounds117 kg / 257 pounds118 kg / 260 pounds119 kg / 262 pounds120 kg / 264 pounds121 kg / 266 pounds122 kg / 268 pounds123 kg / 271 pounds124 kg / 273 pounds125 kg / 275 pounds126 kg / 277 pounds127 kg / 279 pounds128 kg / 282 pounds129 kg / 284 pounds130 kg / 286 pounds131 kg / 288 pounds132 kg / 291 pounds133 kg / 293 pounds134 kg / 295 pounds135 kg / 297 pounds136 kg / 299 pounds137 kg / 302 pounds138 kg / 304 pounds139 kg / 306 pounds140 kg / 308 pounds141 kg / 310 pounds142 kg / 313 pounds143 kg / 315 pounds144 kg / 317 pounds145 kg / 319 pounds146 kg / 321 pounds147 kg / 324 pounds148 kg / 326 pounds149 kg / 328 pounds150 kg / 330 pounds
Hair color* --------- BlondDark blondBrownBlackRedBaldGrey
Eye color* --------- BlackBrownBlueGreenGreen/BrownGrey
Marital status* --------- SingleDivorcedMarriedStill marriedWidow / WidowerSeparatedOpen relation
Job* --------- Senior staffEmployeeWorkerIn educationStudentSalesmenAdministrationAssistentBuyerChairman / CEOProduct managerSoftware developerDesignerEngineerRecruitingProject managerScientistFree lancerSelf employedTeacherOthers
Branch* --------- Machine buildingFood industryMarketingAirwaysAgricultureChemicalAutomotiveITElectronicsCivil engineeringConsumer goodsEducationEnergyFinance sectorAssuranceReal estatePublic serviceArmed forcesPublic healthMediaTV-set/RadioPublishingEntertainmentIndustryMedicinePharmaRetail tradeServicesTelecommunicationTravellingTouristicGastronomyCosmetikFashionTransportArtOthersUnemployed
Children No childrenI have children
Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
Gender --------- ManWoman --------- ManWoman --------- ManWoman
Birthday ----- 2015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985 ----- 2015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985 ----- 2015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985
Foreign languages
# 1 # 2 # 3
Language --------- GermanEnglishFrenchSpanishItalianPolishRussianUkrainianSwedishDanishPortugeseEsperantoChineseJapaneseKoreanThaiHindiIndonesianArabic --------- GermanEnglishFrenchSpanishItalianPolishRussianUkrainianSwedishDanishPortugeseEsperantoChineseJapaneseKoreanThaiHindiIndonesianArabic --------- GermanEnglishFrenchSpanishItalianPolishRussianUkrainianSwedishDanishPortugeseEsperantoChineseJapaneseKoreanThaiHindiIndonesianArabic
Knowledge --------- very goodgoodsomenone --------- very goodgoodsomenone --------- very goodgoodsomenone
Describe yourself and the sort of person you are looking for as a potential partner.
Do you ever feel?? Like we were expecting someone right for us. Can take care of each other, whether happy or sad.
Ann believe what we ask God to deliver to him sincerely.
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Priorities in a Relationship