If he considered adding in the costs of meals, he might not have enough, but considering that Ainz is an undead, and the ring on Narberal’s hand contained a magic that allowed her to go without food, in terms of cost, that was a huge contribution. Narberal was able to wear two rings, one of those was this ring, its original purpose was to prevent eating poisoned food, he never thought it would contribute in such a way now.
However, while looking at the Virtuous King of the Forest he was riding, his heart thought “This guy must always eat something.”, Narberal once again said:
“Indeed… It is strange that the most supreme Ainz-sama would be left with so little money. How rude.”
Ainz once again touched his money bag, feeling that his back who could not sweat was seeping with sweat. He cursed himself for raising the threshold when there was no need. Also——
Ainz-sama… Stop calling me that Narberal. If no one heard it that would be great...
He felt helpless in his heart, while Narberal still joyfully said:
“These lower life forms (Mosquito), are all prostrating themselves to Ainz-sama’s astonishing strength.”
“It hasn’t reached that stage yet.”
“Too modest. Although in the eyes of Ainz-sama, those Ogres were nothing more than insects, but Ainz-sama’s sword skills were at another level, truly admirable.”
Below him, the Virtuous King of the Forest shook strangely, but Ainz paid it no mind, towards Narberal he said:
“... It was just playing around with brute force.”
It sounded like he said that to make himself sound cool, but that was not so. When he saw Gazef fight, Ainz saw his smooth moves, but when Ainz thought back about his own movements, he felt like he was a child wildly flailing around his sword, how unsightly. Their praise was only directed to the destructive power brought about by his arm. It was completely different from the praise to a true warrior like Gazef.
“Moving around like a true warrior is actually really difficult.”
“... Then how about using magic to turn into a warrior?”