1)We have the latest vessel schedule from a ship agent by today as per below;-
A Vessel schedule
Name of vessel : APOLLO ASAHI V.7
Eta KSSP : AUG 21,2015 (About noon time)
2)Besides, we would to discuss with you about a delivery schedule which it may convenience and so possible with
NSSL for arrange deliver these cargo (5 Coils , Gross Weight : 36.310 MT) to TSK STEEL / Bangplee within Aug 24,2015
Please check and confirm to us for our confirmation to TSK Steel
3)As TSK Steel can receive cargo deliver to them not later than 16:00 (Aiming time should before 15:00 krab)
but we need to inform them a delivery schedule before deliver cargo at least 1 day.
So, we do ask for your cooperation support information to us by earlier.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.