I hope you are doing well and also having a wonderful morning with you as i am having too...I am now in the office working on some few files and the thoughts of you have prevented me to stop working and share my thoughts with you before i will continue working...What a wonderful dream that i had last night honey? This dream has to tell me that we are destine to be together and we thank God for bringing us together and this dream has to also tell me that, i am here to make you happy and take all your sorrows away honey and it also tells us that we deserve each other...I love you so much with my whole heart and life without you now would be miserable and my meaningless for me...
You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....
Last night, in my dreams, I saw you on the pier. The wind was blowing through your hair, and your eyes held the fading sunlight. I was speechless as I watched you leaning against the rail. You are beautiful, I thought as I saw you, a vision that I could never find in anyone else. I slowly began to walk toward you, and when you finally turned to me, I noticed that others had been watching you as well. "Do you know her?" they asked me in jealous whispers, and as you smiled at me I simply answered with the truth, "Better than I know myself, I do not know how to express the conflicting emotions that have surged like a storm through my heart all night long. I only know that first and foremost in all my thoughts has been the glorious confirmation you gave me last night in my dreams - without effort, unconsciously, of course - of all I have ever thought of your mind and heart. You have the greatest soul, the noblest nature, the sweetest, most loving heart I have ever known, and my love and admiration for you have increased so much since we have known each other that it still amazes me.You are more wonderful and lovely in my eyes than you ever were before; and my pride and joy and gratitude that you should love me with such a perfect love are beyond all expression. Kindly take care for me and stay bless and hope to hear from you soon.. i love you so much and take good care of yourself my love.. kiss you..