One morning, Jo received a phone call with his lover. Then he spent in talking almost 2 hours. Joe just hang up the phone down with tears. Joe sat down beside the wall damaged body as weak. His tears still flow non-stop. He met with unexpected events to happen to him. He was the lover of friendship 1 years, say goodbye to him without caring. Joe trying to reconcile but lovers of Jo and not sympathy. But, she kicked him a fine fiber and does not accept my apology from Jo Jo but sing, sing, sing and pray to the God to help inspire her to come back. He requested a blessing to all the way until he lost consciousness.Jo and saw a man and boy in the house of his lover and lover spoke with Jo, she told Jo that she and the resin has been married for many years. They had 1 people. You but sorry Jo, Jo and didn't say anything. Just walk away.! and after that nobody saw Joey again...