that obtained from the fresh samples indicating that the freezing process did not affect drip formation. However, at the slower freezing rates studied(ter of 240 and >900 min), drip loss was significantly different from drip loss obtained from the fresh samples. In the freezing profiles of the latter samples, release of latent heat was not evi- dent in the freeze-thaw profiles. Sahagian and Goff(996) explained that, during slow cooling, sample tem- perature is at or near the decreasing freezing isotherm and, as a consequence, few nuclei form, but each grows extensively. This effect of slow cooling explains the freezing profiles at the slower freezing rates and suggests that crystal size affects drip formation. in, a ta of This slow cooling effect is a progressive effect: as the ample and freezing rate decreases, the sample temperature is he profiles increasingly closer to the temperature of the freezing iso- them. Consequently, less nuclei form as the freezing rate decreases, but the crystals formed spend greater time at size and temperatures conducive to crystal growth. Drip loss from frozen samples was significantly different from d storage s after drip loss from fresh samples only at the two slowest freezing rates. However, a trend of increasing drip loss n of the f the cell with decreasing freezing rate was observed. This trend as of increasing drip loss corresponds with the suggestion olyte of a progressive increase in crystal size Knight After 4 weeks storage. freezing rate appeared to have of possible no effect on drip loss and the effect of storage domi- nated. Furthermore, the drip loss obtained after 4 weeks the selec storage was not significantly different from that based on obtained at the two slowest freezing rates without sto- ested in the rage. During storage of meat, ice recrystallisation occurs Haraldsson involving the growth of the ice crystals formed during freezing at the expense of the smaller crystals(Bev ilacqua& Zaritzky, 1982). A consequent reduction in the total number of crystals and enlargement of the average crystal size occurs mining the After the stora