Section 7-2.1: Inspection
(a) Initial Inspection. Prior to initial use, all new,
reinstalled, altered or modified, hoists shall be inspected
by a designated person to verify compliance with the
applicable provisions of this Volume.
(b) Inspection procedure for hoists in regular service
is divided into two general classifications based upon
the intervals at which inspection should be performed.
The intervals in turn are dependent upon the nature of
the critical components of the hoists and the degree
of their exposure to wear, deterioration, or malfunction.
The two general classifications are designated as frequent
and periodic with respective intervals between
inspections as defined below.
( J) Frequent Inspection. Visual examinations by
the operator or other designated personnel with records
not required.
(a) Normal service: monthly;
(b) Heavy service: weekly to monthly;
(c) Severe service: daily to weekly;
(d) Special or infrequent service: recommended
by a qualified individual before and after each occurrence.
(2) Periodic Inspection. Visual inspection by an
appointed person making records of apparent external
conditions to provide the basis for a continuing evaluation.
(a) Normal service: equipment in place: yearly;
(b) Heavy service: equipment in place: yearly;
(c) Severe service: equipment in place: quar-
(d) Special or infrequent service authorized by
a qualified person before the first such occurrence and
as directed by the qualified person for any subsequent
7-2.1.1 Frequent Inspection. Items such as the
following shall be inspected for wear or damage at
intervals as defined in para. 7-2.1 (b)( I ), or as specifically
indicated below, including observations during operation
for wear or damage which might appear between regular
inspections. Any deficiencies, such as listed below,
shall be carefully examined, and a determination made
by a qualified person as to whether they constitute a
(a) all control mechanisms for maladjustment or
excessive wear interfering with proper operation;
(b) all limit switches or limiting devices for malfunction
at the beginning of each work shift;
(c) deterioration or leakage in air or hydraulic
(d) load carrying ropes (visual inspection daily for
excessive wear and distortion);
( e) electrical apparatus for malfunctioning, signs of
excessive deterioration, and dirt and moisture accumulation.
7-2.1.2 Periodic Inspection. Complete inspections
of the hoist shall be performed at intervals as
defined in para. 7-2.1 (b)(2). Any deficiencies, such as
listed below, shall be examined and determination made
as to whether they constitute a hazard. These inspections
shall include the requirements of para. 7-2.1.I and, in
addition, items such as the following:
(a) deformed, cracked, or corroded members;
(b) loose bolts or rivets;
(c) cracked or worn drums or sheaves;
(d) worn, cracked, or distorted parts such as pins,
bearings, shafts, gears, rollers, and locking and clamping
(e) excessive wear distortion or damage on brake
and clutch system parts and linings, and on pawls and
(f) gasoline, diesel, electric, or other power plants
for improper performance and noncompliance with applicable
safety requirements;
(g) excessive wear of chain drive sprockets and
excessive chain stretch;
(h) electrical apparatus for contact pitting or any
deterioration of controller contactors, limit switches,
and push button stations;
(i) foundations or supports for continued ability to
sustain the imposed loads.
7-2.1.3 Hoists Not in Regular Use
(a) A hoist which has been idle for a period of one
month or more, but less than six months, shall be
given an inspection conforming with the requirements
of para. 7-2.1.1 before being placed in service.
(b) A hoist which has been idle for a period of
over six months shall be given a complete inspection
conforming with the requirements of paras. 7-2.1.1,
7-2.1.2, and 7-2.4.1(b).
(c) Standby hoists shall be inspected at least semiannually
in accordance with the requirements of paras.
7-2.1.1 and 7-2.4.I(b).
(d) Standby hoists exposed to abnormal operating
conditions should be inspected more frequently than
required in para. 7-2.1.3(c).
7-2.1.4 Inspection Records. Dated inspection reports
and records shall be made on critical items such
as brakes and ropes. Dated records should be kept
where readily available to appointed personnel.
Section 7-2.2: Testing
7-2.2.1 Operational Tests
(a) Prior to initial use, new, altered, modified,
reinstalled, or repaired hoists shall be tested to verify
compliance with this volume, including the following
( 1) lifting and lowering on each drum;
(2) swing;
(3) operation of clutches, brakes, and pawls;
(4) operation of limit switches, and locking and
safety devices when provided.
(b) The trip-setting of limit switches and limiting
devices shall be determined by tests under no-load
conditions. Tests shall be conducted first under slow
speed and then with increasing speeds up to maximum
speed. Actuating mechanisms shall be located so that
they will trip the switches or limiting devices in time
to stop motion without damage to any part of the
hoisting arrangement.
( e) All tie-downs shall be acceptable to a designated
7-2.2.2 Load Test
(a) New Hoists. All new hoists shall be tested by
the manufacturer. The load test shall not be less than
110% of the rated load nor more than 125% of the
rated load. A written report of the test should be
prepared and 'placed on file.
(b) Altered, modified, reinstalled and repaired hoists:
( 1) Prior to initial use, altered, modified, reinstalled
or repaired hoists shall be functionally tested. A written
report of the test should be prepared and placed on
ASME B30.7-2001
file. A qualified person shall determine the need for a
load test.
(2) The load test, if made, shall consists of the
following as minimum requirements:
(a) The test load shall not be less than 110%
of the rated load nor more than 125% of the rated load,
unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.
(b) The test load shall be hoisted a vertical
distance to assure that the load is supported by the
hoist and held by the hoist brake(s).
(c) The test load shall be lowered, stopped and
held with the brake(s).
Section 7-2.3: Maintenance
7-2.3.1 Preventive Maintenance
(a) A preventive maintenance program should be
established based on the hoist manufacturer's or a qualified
person's recommendations. Dated records should
be available to appointed personnel.
(b) Replacement parts shall be at least equal to the
original parts.
7-2.3.2 Maintenance Procedure
(a) Before adjustments and repairs are started on a
hoist, the following precautions shall be taken, as
( 1) if electrically powered, the main or emergency
switch locked in the open position;
(2) the power plant stopped or disconnected at
the takeoff;
(3) power plant starting means rendered inoperative;
(4) drum pawls engaged, or other means provided
to prevent load ropes from inadvertently rotating the
(5) warning or Out of Order signs placed on
the hoist.
(b) After adjustments and repairs have been made,
the hoist shall not be returned to service until all guards
have been reinstalled, limiting devices reactivated, and
maintenance equipment removed.
(e) Warning or Out of Order signs shall be placed
or removed by appointed personnel.
7-2.3.3 Adjustments and Repairs
(a) Any hazardous condition disclosed by the inspection
and requirements of Section 7-2.1 shall be corrected
before operation of the hoist is resumed. Adjustments
and repairs shall be done only by a designated person.
(b) Adjustments shall be maintained to ensure correct
ASME 830.7-2001
functioning of components. The following are examples:
( 1) all functional operating mechanisms;
(2) brakes, clutches, and pawls;
(3) power plants;
(4) limit switches and other limiting devices;
(5) control systems;
(6) foundations and other anchorages.
(c) Repairs or replacements shall be made as needed.
The following are examples:
( 1) all critical parts which are cracked, broken,
bent, or excessively worn;
(2) pitted or burned electrical contacts should be
corrected only by replacement and in sets; controller
parts should be lubricated only as recommended by
the manufacturer or by a qualified person.
7-2.3.4 Lubrication
(a) All moving parts of the hoist for which lubrication
is specified should be regularly lubricated. Lubricating
systems should be checked for proper delivery of
lubricant. Care should be taken to follow manufacturer's
recommendations as to points and frequency of lubrication,
levels, and type of lubricant to be used.
(b) All rotating machinery should be stopped, where
feasible, while lubricants are being applied and protection
provided as called for in paras. 7-2.3.2(a)(I)-(4),
unless equipped for automatic or remote lubrication.
Section 7-2.4: Rope Inspection, Replacement,
and Maintenance
7-2.4.1 Inspection
(a) Frequent Inspection
( 1) Running ropes in continuous service should
be visually inspected once each working day. A visual
inspection shall consist of observation of all rope which
can be expected to be in use during the day's operations.
These visual observations should be concerned with
discovering damage, such as listed below, which may
be a cause for removing the rope from service or for
performing a more detailed examination [refer to para.
7-2.4.1 (b)]:
(a) distortion of the rope such as kinking, crushing,
unstranding, birdcaging, main strand displacement,
or core protrusion;
(b) general corrosion;
(c) broken or cut strands;
(d) number, distribution, and type of visible
broken wires [see para. 7-2.4. I (c) for further guidance].
(2) Care shall be taken when inspecting sections
of rapid deterioration such as flange points, crossover
points, and repetitive pickup points on drums.
(b) Periodic Inspection
( 1) The inspection frequency shall be determine
ส่วน 7-2.1: การตรวจสอบ(ก) การตรวจสอบเริ่มต้น ก่อนที่จะเริ่มใช้ ใหม่ติดตั้งใหม่ เปลี่ยนแปลง หรือปรับเปลี่ยน รอกจะถูกตรวจสอบโดยกำหนดผู้ตรวจสอบการปฏิบัติตามบทบัญญัติที่เกี่ยวข้องของไดรฟ์ข้อมูลนี้(ข) ตรวจสอบขั้นตอนสำหรับรอกในบริการทั่วไปแบ่งออกเป็นสองจัดประเภททั่วไปตามช่วงเวลาที่ควรดำเนินการตรวจสอบช่วงจะมีขึ้นอยู่ตามธรรมชาติของส่วนประกอบสำคัญของตัวรอกและระดับของการสัมผัสกับเครื่องแต่งกาย การเสื่อมสภาพ หรือความผิดปกติจัดประเภททั่วไปที่สองถูกกำหนดเป็นประจำและกับช่วงเวลาที่เกี่ยวข้องระหว่างงวดตรวจสอบตามที่กำหนดไว้ด้านล่าง(J) การตรวจสอบบ่อย ภาพการตรวจสอบโดยดำเนินการอื่น ๆ ที่กำหนดบุคลากรกับเรกคอร์ดไม่จำเป็นต้อง(ก) ปกติบริการ: รายเดือน(ข) หนักบริการ: รายสัปดาห์กับรายเดือนบริการ (c) รุนแรง: ต้องสัปดาห์(d) บริการพิเศษ หรือไม่: แนะนำโดยมีคุณสมบัติแต่ละคนก่อน และ หลังเหตุการณ์แต่ละ(2) การตรวจสอบเป็นครั้งคราว ภาพการตรวจสอบโดยการบุคคลตกแต่งของภายนอกชัดเจนเงื่อนไขการให้ข้อมูลพื้นฐานสำหรับการประเมินอย่างต่อเนื่องterly(ก) ปกติ: อุปกรณ์ในตำแหน่ง: ประจำปี(ข) หนักบริการ: อุปกรณ์ในตำแหน่ง: ประจำปี(ค) รุนแรงบริการ: อุปกรณ์ที่: quar -(d) บริการพิเศษ หรือไม่ได้รับอนุญาตจากผู้ที่เหมาะสมก่อนแรกเหตุการณ์ดังกล่าว และas directed by the qualified person for any subsequentoccurrences.7-2.1.1 Frequent Inspection. Items such as thefollowing shall be inspected for wear or damage atintervals as defined in para. 7-2.1 (b)( I ), or as specificallyindicated below, including observations during operationfor wear or damage which might appear between regularinspections. Any deficiencies, such as listed below,shall be carefully examined, and a determination made12by a qualified person as to whether they constitute ahazard:(a) all control mechanisms for maladjustment orexcessive wear interfering with proper operation;(b) all limit switches or limiting devices for malfunctionat the beginning of each work shift;(c) deterioration or leakage in air or hydraulicsystems;(d) load carrying ropes (visual inspection daily forexcessive wear and distortion);( e) electrical apparatus for malfunctioning, signs ofexcessive deterioration, and dirt and moisture accumulation.7-2.1.2 Periodic Inspection. Complete inspectionsof the hoist shall be performed at intervals asdefined in para. 7-2.1 (b)(2). Any deficiencies, such aslisted below, shall be examined and determination madeas to whether they constitute a hazard. These inspectionsshall include the requirements of para. 7-2.1.I and, inaddition, items such as the following:(a) deformed, cracked, or corroded members;(b) loose bolts or rivets;(c) cracked or worn drums or sheaves;(d) worn, cracked, or distorted parts such as pins,bearings, shafts, gears, rollers, and locking and clampingdevices;(e) excessive wear distortion or damage on brakeand clutch system parts and linings, and on pawls andratchets;(f) gasoline, diesel, electric, or other power plantsfor improper performance and noncompliance with applicablesafety requirements;(g) excessive wear of chain drive sprockets andexcessive chain stretch;(h) electrical apparatus for contact pitting or anydeterioration of controller contactors, limit switches,and push button stations;(i) foundations or supports for continued ability tosustain the imposed loads.7-2.1.3 Hoists Not in Regular Use(a) A hoist which has been idle for a period of onemonth or more, but less than six months, shall be------'")(01)BASE-MOUNTED DRUM HOISTSgiven an inspection conforming with the requirementsof para. 7-2.1.1 before being placed in service.(b) A hoist which has been idle for a period ofover six months shall be given a complete inspectionconforming with the requirements of paras. 7-2.1.1,7-2.1.2, and 7-2.4.1(b).(c) Standby hoists shall be inspected at least semiannuallyin accordance with the requirements of paras.7-2.1.1 and 7-2.4.I(b).(d) Standby hoists exposed to abnormal operatingconditions should be inspected more frequently thanrequired in para. 7-2.1.3(c).7-2.1.4 Inspection Records. Dated inspection reportsand records shall be made on critical items suchas brakes and ropes. Dated records should be keptwhere readily available to appointed personnel.Section 7-2.2: Testing7-2.2.1 Operational Tests(a) Prior to initial use, new, altered, modified,reinstalled, or repaired hoists shall be tested to verifycompliance with this volume, including the followingfunctions:( 1) lifting and lowering on each drum;(2) swing;(3) operation of clutches, brakes, and pawls;(4) operation of limit switches, and locking andsafety devices when provided.(b) The trip-setting of limit switches and limitingdevices shall be determined by tests under no-loadconditions. Tests shall be conducted first under slowspeed and then with increasing speeds up to maximumspeed. Actuating mechanisms shall be located so thatthey will trip the switches or limiting devices in timeto stop motion without damage to any part of thehoisting arrangement.( e) All tie-downs shall be acceptable to a designatedperson.7-2.2.2 Load Test(a) New Hoists. All new hoists shall be tested bythe manufacturer. The load test shall not be less than110% of the rated load nor more than 125% of therated load. A written report of the test should beprepared and 'placed on file.(b) Altered, modified, reinstalled and repaired hoists:( 1) Prior to initial use, altered, modified, reinstalledor repaired hoists shall be functionally tested. A writtenreport of the test should be prepared and placed on13ASME B30.7-2001แฟ้ม ผู้ที่มีคุณสมบัติจะกำหนดความต้องการสำหรับการโหลดทดสอบ(2 ทดสอบโหลด) ขึ้น จะประกอบด้วยการต่อไปนี้เป็นข้อกำหนดขั้นต่ำ:(ก)ทดสอบการโหลดจะไม่น้อยกว่า 110%ของโหลดที่ได้รับคะแนนหรือมากกว่า 125% ของโหลดได้รับคะแนนเว้นแต่การแนะนำจากผู้ผลิตอื่น(ข) การทดสอบการโหลดจะ hoisted ในแนวตั้งระยะมั่นโหลดได้รับการสนับสนุนโดยการติด และการ brake(s) รอก(c) จะสามารถลดลงการทดสอบใช้งาน หยุด และจัดขึ้น ด้วย brake(s)ส่วน 7-2.3: บำรุงรักษา7 2.3.1 งานบำรุงรักษา(ก) โปรแกรมบำรุงรักษาควรก่อตั้งขึ้นโดยใช้รอกของผู้ผลิตหรือมีคุณภาพคำแนะนำของบุคคล คอร์ดวันควรมีการแต่งตั้งบุคลากร(ข) ชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่จะน้อยอะไหล่เดิม7 2.3.2 ขั้นตอนการบำรุงรักษา(ก) ก่อนการปรับปรุงและซ่อมแซมเริ่มต้นในการรอก ระวังจะควร เป็นสามารถใช้ได้:ถ้า (1) ไฟฟ้าขับเคลื่อน หลักหรือฉุกเฉินสวิตช์ล็อคตำแหน่งเปิด(2)โรงไฟฟ้าหยุดทำงาน หรือตัดการเชื่อมต่อที่สนามบิน(3) โรงไฟฟ้าหมายถึงเริ่มต้นที่แสดง inoperative(4) กลอง pawls หมั้น หรือวิธีอื่นให้เพื่อป้องกันไม่ให้โหลดเชือกหมุนโดยไม่ได้ตั้งใจกลไก(5) สัญญาณชำรุด หรือคำเตือนไว้บนรอก(ข) หลังจากที่ได้ทำการปรับปรุงและซ่อมแซมรอกจะไม่ถูกส่งกลับไปบริการจนเจ้าหน้าที่ทั้งหมดhave been reinstalled, limiting devices reactivated, andmaintenance equipment removed.(e) Warning or Out of Order signs shall be placedor removed by appointed personnel.7-2.3.3 Adjustments and Repairs(a) Any hazardous condition disclosed by the inspectionand requirements of Section 7-2.1 shall be correctedbefore operation of the hoist is resumed. Adjustmentsand repairs shall be done only by a designated person.(b) Adjustments shall be maintained to ensure correctASME 830.7-2001functioning of components. The following are examples:( 1) all functional operating mechanisms;(2) brakes, clutches, and pawls;(3) power plants;(4) limit switches and other limiting devices;(5) control systems;(6) foundations and other anchorages.(c) Repairs or replacements shall be made as needed.The following are examples:( 1) all critical parts which are cracked, broken,bent, or excessively worn;(2) pitted or burned electrical contacts should becorrected only by replacement and in sets; controllerparts should be lubricated only as recommended bythe manufacturer or by a qualified person.7-2.3.4 Lubrication(a) All moving parts of the hoist for which lubricationis specified should be regularly lubricated. Lubricatingsystems should be checked for proper delivery oflubricant. Care should be taken to follow manufacturer'srecommendations as to points and frequency of lubrication,levels, and type of lubricant to be used.(b) All rotating machinery should be stopped, wherefeasible, while lubricants are being applied and protectionprovided as called for in paras. 7-2.3.2(a)(I)-(4),unless equipped for automatic or remote lubrication.Section 7-2.4: Rope Inspection, Replacement,and Maintenance7-2.4.1 Inspection(a) Frequent Inspection( 1) Running ropes in continuous service shouldbe visually inspected once each working day. A visualinspection shall consist of observation of all rope whichcan be expected to be in use during the day's operations.These visual observations should be concerned withdiscovering damage, such as listed below, which maybe a cause for removing the rope from service or forperforming a more detailed examination [refer to para.7-2.4.1 (b)]:(a) distortion of the rope such as kinking, crushing,unstranding, birdcaging, main strand displacement,or core protrusion;(b) general corrosion;(c) broken or cut strands;(d) number, distribution, and type of visiblebroken wires [see para. 7-2.4. I (c) for further guidance].(2) Care shall be taken when inspecting sections148ASE-MOUNTED DRUM HOISTSof rapid deterioration such as flange points, crossoverpoints, and repetitive pickup points on drums.(b) Periodic Inspection( 1) The inspection frequency shall be determine
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..