capacity (Fig. 3). The reactor could achieve 100% removal efficiency
up to an inlet loading rate of 480 g/m3/h. However, the removal
efficiency decreased at higher inlet loading rates. The drop in
removal efficiency may be attributed to reaction limitation at
further increase of the ILR which was further ascertained by the
presence of detectable concentration of MEK in the reactor effluent
which was in the range of 1–4%. The maximum elimination capacity
observed for MEK was 508 g/m3/h (Fig. 3) which is significantly
higher than 192 g/m3/h reported by Cai et al., for MEK biodegradation
using biotrickling filter [39].
The concentration profile of MEK along the length of the reactor
for various ILR is given in Fig. 4. As demonstrated in Fig. 4a, the
maximum removal of MEK took place in the first 15 cm of the reactor
which in-turn explains the higher biomass growth observed on
disc D1 and D2 i.e. the first two discs near the gas inlet. The thickness
of biofilm on the discs D1, D2, D3 D4 and D5 were 1.27 mm,
1.2 mm, 0.95 mm, 0.7 mm and 0.4 mm, respectively. The MLSS
concentration of liquid effluent was measured daily (Fig. S1). Total
biomass loss from the system was calculated (presented in
Table S1). Negligible concentrations of MEK were observed in the
liquid phase immediately after change in inlet loading rates. Maximum
MEK concentration observed in the liquid phase was 3 mg/L
for an applied ILR of 720 g/m3/h. This corresponds to a liquid phase
loss of VOC of about 0.4% of the total mass inlet of VOC. The wet
weight of the biomass in the reactor, which was 152 g at the end
of start-up phase, increased significantly during this phase and
was 1542.77 g at the end of phase-I. The total VOC eliminated during
this phase was calculated from the respective elimination
capacity (Fig. 3). The reactor could achieve 100% removal efficiency
up to an inlet loading rate of 480 g/m3/h. However, the removal
efficiency decreased at higher inlet loading rates. The drop in
removal efficiency may be attributed to reaction limitation at
further increase of the ILR which was further ascertained by the
presence of detectable concentration of MEK in the reactor effluent
which was in the range of 1–4%. The maximum elimination capacity
observed for MEK was 508 g/m3/h (Fig. 3) which is significantly
higher than 192 g/m3/h reported by Cai et al., for MEK biodegradation
using biotrickling filter [39].
The concentration profile of MEK along the length of the reactor
for various ILR is given in Fig. 4. As demonstrated in Fig. 4a, the
maximum removal of MEK took place in the first 15 cm of the reactor
which in-turn explains the higher biomass growth observed on
disc D1 and D2 i.e. the first two discs near the gas inlet. The thickness
of biofilm on the discs D1, D2, D3 D4 and D5 were 1.27 mm,
1.2 mm, 0.95 mm, 0.7 mm and 0.4 mm, respectively. The MLSS
concentration of liquid effluent was measured daily (Fig. S1). Total
biomass loss from the system was calculated (presented in
Table S1). Negligible concentrations of MEK were observed in the
liquid phase immediately after change in inlet loading rates. Maximum
MEK concentration observed in the liquid phase was 3 mg/L
for an applied ILR of 720 g/m3/h. This corresponds to a liquid phase
loss of VOC of about 0.4% of the total mass inlet of VOC. The wet
weight of the biomass in the reactor, which was 152 g at the end
of start-up phase, increased significantly during this phase and
was 1542.77 g at the end of phase-I. The total VOC eliminated during
this phase was calculated from the respective elimination
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