AbstractBackground:Malaria has been a major life threatening mosquito borne disease from long since. Unavailability ofany effective vaccine and recent emergence of multi drug resistant strains of malaria pathogenPlasmodiumfalciparumcontinues to cause persistent deaths in the tropical and sub-tropical region. As a result, demands fornew targets for more effective anti-malarial drugs are escalating. Transketolase is an enzyme of the pentosephosphate pathway; a novel pathway which is involved in energy generation and nucleic acid synthesis. Moreover,significant difference in homology betweenPlasmodium falciparumtransketolase (Pftk) and human (Homo sapiens)transketolase makes it a suitable candidate for drug therapy. Our present study is aimed to predict the 3D structure ofPlasmodium falciparumtransketolase and design an inhibitor against it.Results:The primary and secondary structural features ofthe protein is calculated by ProtParam and SOPMArespectively which revealed the protein is composed of 43.3 % alpha helix and 33.04 % random coils along with15.62 % extended strands, 8.04 % beta turns. The three dimensional structure of the transketolase is constructedusing homology modeling tool MODELLAR utilizing several available transketolase structures as templates. Thestructure is then subjected to deep optimization and validated by structure validation tools PROCHECK, VERIFY3D, ERRAT, QMEAN. The predicted model scored 0.74 for global model reliability in PROCHECK analysis, whichensures the quality of the model. According to VERIFY 3D the predicted model scored 0.77 which determinesgood environmental profile along with ERRAT score of 78.313 which is below 95 % rejection limit. Protein-proteinand residue–residue interaction networks are generated by STRING and RING server respectively. CASTp serverwas used to analyze active sites and His 109, Asn 108 and His 515 are found to be more positive site to dock thesubstrate, in addition molecular docking simulation with Autodock vina determined the estimated free energy ofmolecular binding was of−6.6kcal/molformostfavorablebindingof6′-Methyl-Thiamin Diphosphate.Conclusion:This predicted structure of Pftk will serve firsthandinthefuturedevelopmentofeffectivePftkinhibitors with potential anti-malarial activity. However, this is a preliminary study of designing an inhibitoragainstPlasmodium falciparum3D7; the results await justification byin vitroandin vivoexperimentations.