The overall effect of CFI on the intersection is that it was successful in reducing the average delay by a considerable percentage. For traffic volumes 500 &1000 in experiment 1 for both 4-Arm intersections the delay is more but as we increase the traffic volume per hour the average delay is consistently reduced by 30%-50% and for all right turning proportions. For experiment 2 for both 4-Arm intersections the traffic volumes of 500 & 1000 have reduced delays for 10% and 20% right turning traffic and more delay for the rest right turning proportion but as we increase the traffic volume and for all right turning proportions the average delay is consistently decreased by 30% to more than 50%. These are very satisfactory results which are given below for each of the experiments. The analysis of the simulation results show that the CFI model is more efficient when compared to NFI model. With increase in capacity for traffic volume, lesser delay at the intersection CFI design avoids the requirement of wider roads and more space. It proves beneficial in every aspect that we tested it in which makes it a satisfactory solution to the problem faced by urban heterogeneous traffic. The traffic assumed included two wheelers, three wheelers, cars, HGVs and buses which are similar to the conditions in India. The design can therefore be implemented in each and very areas where there is a need to increase the capacity and reduce delays at the intersection. The study of CFI has proved that the design is efficient in all terms. In the coming years, all signalized intersection can be designed as CFI thereby improving the traffic network efficiency
Avg Delays
Traffic Volume per hour