1. The vision of Indonesian education is the realization of educational system as a solid and authoritative social institution to empower Indonesian citizen to become intelligent persons that are able and proactive to stand facing the ever changing challenges of the era. They are bright (spiritually, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and kinesthetically) and competitive citizens. The educational system encompasses all form, type, and level of education: formal, non-formal, and in-formal.
2. Basic education in Indonesia provides nine years learning experience in both formal and non-formal education for 7- 15 school age children. The goal of basic education is to develop learners’ basic intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, as well as skills to live independently and to continue their education.
3. Basic education is conducted in elementary school and junior high school (both public and religious type of schooling called madrasah = madrasah ibtidaiyah for elementary school and madrasah tsanawiyah for junior high school). While public elementary and junior high scholl are managed based on the policies established by the Ministry of National Education (MONE) and operationally controlled by otonomous local/district/town administration, the madrasahs are managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs through its local (district/town) offices troughout Indonesia.
4. The nine years basic education is compulsory. At present the number of student attending elementary and junior high school is 7.864.650 and 3.839.023 consecutively and the number of elementary school is 44.154 and junior high school is 12.932 (public and private). Net participation rate at elementary school is about 95% and gross participation rate at junior high is 92%. This include students attending the madrasah. The total number of teachers at elementary and junior high scholl (public and private) is 1.531.193.
5. The successful implementation of basic education program is, among other things, relied heavily on qualified teachers in managing their students learning experience based on well developed curriculum.