Leaf water potentials of the upmost fully-expanded leaves on stems were measured at clear midday (1130 h) at 40 (D1) and 105(D2) DAT in 2013 and at 60 (D1) and 108 (D2) DAT in 2014 when soil water potentials were approximately −15 kPa in the AWMD regimeand −30 kPa in the AWSD regime, and at 42 (W1) and 107 (W2) DATin 2013 and at 62 (W1) and 110 (W2) DAT in 2014 when plants were rewatered. Three pressure chambers (Model 3000, Soil Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, USA) were used for leaf water potential measurement, with six leaves for each treatment.