His words are muffled into Chanyeol's mouth because suddenly they're kissing, and wow, wow, this is a hundred times better when Jongin isn't drunk. Chanyeol's mouth fits so perfectly against his, plush lower lip and slick tongue working into his mouth, and he makes this tiny noise that sounds almost like relief in the back of his throat. Jongin releases one hand from the glass to slide up the back of Chanyeol's neck and clutch into his hair and he lets out a ragged moan as Chanyeol only kisses him harder, deeper, like he's trying to replace every one of their drunken kisses from last night with this one.
Jongin thinks he wouldn't mind that at all, but his head is still throbbing and he doesn't want to accidentally drop the glass and have it shatter all over their feet so he reluctantly pulls away, sweeping his tongue over his lips and enjoying the way Chanyeol blatantly stares.