From: Thomas Lim SEA S F&A Manager
We are quickly approaching 2015 fiscal year-end the information provided in this email is to ensure that financial transactions are processed in a timely manner.
It is very important that revenues and expenditures be recorded in the correct fiscal year. A clean year-end cut-off of financial transactions ensures accuracy and consistency in our financial reporting. Therefore, if goods or services are received and/or provided before Dec 31st, please make every attempt to get all related paperwork processed before year-end deadlines. A list of
important deadlines are stated below. Please note that Dec 31st is a Thursday and Jan 1st Friday are public holidays so effectively, 2015 month end is rather tight on Jan 3rd, 2016 (Sunday)
Year-End close timetable overview
1. All signed tickets are sent to AR team ASAP billing on 1st Jan 2016 until mid-day(Call closing day 1)
2. All tickets submitted after on Day 1 will be accrued, tickets after Jan 2nd SAP will close on Day 3(3Rd Jan 16)
3. AP Cutoff – invoice submission on Fri 18th Dec 2015, (scanning cutoff Thu 23th Dec 2015)
4. Actual AP - must ensure all received invoice 2015 are processed and posted in SAP by Wed 30th Dec 2015
5. Accrual AP – for received after the scanning cutoff + Statement Of Account from top 30 vendors will be accrued on 1st Jan 2016
6. Employees must submit their expense claim (TEM) is submitted by Fri 18th Dec 2015
7. TEM must be approved in SAP by Sun 20th Dec 2015 so the payment can be paid on Fri 25th Dec 2015
8. Payroll/bonuses/Overtime sheet be submitted by Dec 15Th 2015
P&M Please communicate to our vendors to submit in timely invoices so that we can record them in SAP.
It is your responsibility to ensure you provide adequate supporting documents to F&A based on the above deadlines.
Thank you and we look forward to a successful year-end close.