Validity and reliability was ensured through tryout and pilot testing along with content alignment analysis. Content validity was determined by the expert judgment. Physics proficiency test was used as pretest and post test to measure students’ proficiency of the physics topics taught to them during the experiment. Student’s intelligence in the form of raw scores was measured by using J.C. Ravens’ Standard progressive matrices. The researcher developed socio-economic status perfoma to measure the socio-economic status of their parents. Socio-economic status perfoma was validated through expert opinion. Numerical values were assigned to each indicator and total score on socio-economic status perfoma was calculated for each sampled student.
Four groups each of 30 students were randomly chosen. Pretest was conducted before experiment to check the group’s initial equivalence. The mean of four groups was approximately 20. It validate that all groups were almost same on the pretest. Three experimental groups were taught by the guided scientific inquiry, unguided scientific inquiry, combination scientific inquiry and the fourth control group was taught by the lecture method. Four science teachers of same qualification were selected for the study. Three teachers were trained to teach three experimental groups and fourth teacher assigned to control group of the study for the period of three months. Students of three experimental groups passed through the exploration, concept introduction, concept application three phases of the learning cycle. Students of the first experimental group were given the treatment of guided inquiry and they passed through exploration, concept introduction, concept application the three phases of the learning cycle under the guidance of the teacher. It was teacher directed. Students of the second experimental group were given the treatment of unguided inquiry and learned through their involvement and action. In this group the teacher released the responsibility and it was student directed. The third experimental group was given the treatment of combination (guided/unguided) inquiry, the teacher in this group acted as a facilitator and asked or posed questions, gave ideas. In this approach guided inquiry was followed by unguided inquiry. The main focal point of this cram of research was to actively engage physics students using scientific inquiry in the class. Students were divided into small groups to build up each other’s ideas for better understanding. The usages of different apparatus/tools over the three months period provide evidence of advances in the student’s scientific inquiry ability. Throughout the study four groups covered the same subject matter. Pretest was conducted as post test to four groups to compare their achievement in physics at the end of the experiment
The data was collected by using students’ intelligence test and socio -economic status performa before the experiment, and physics proficiency test was administered as pretest and post test before and after the experiment. Following null hypothesis were tested by analyzing data collected from four groups.