'No. Not often,' he said. 'But if we were both in
Edinburgh at the same time we always got
'When did you start this place?'
'About five years ago,' said Ross. 'I left the army
and came back here. I didn't have a job. Alex was
back from the States. We spent a lot of time
together and decided to start Charlotte's. He had
the money and the famous friends. I did the
work!' Ross laughed, but Logan saw that his eyes
were not smiling.
'Is the restaurant making money?' asked Logan.
'Yes. As you can see, we're very busy. We're
always very busy. The restaurant is doing very
'You must earn a lot then. Did you each take half
of the money or…?'
'No. If you must know, Alex paid me. I'm the
manager. But I don't see how this is important.'
'I don't know if it is important, Mr Ross. Tell me,
were you here last night?'
'Yes, Inspector. Until about eleven. Then I went
home. I usually stay later but yesterday I was
tired. I went home and went to bed early.'
'Do you live by yourself, Mr Ross?'
'So,' Logan thought to herself, 'no-one knows if
you were at home or not.' She spoke again. 'How
well do you know Alice Maclennan?'
'Now wait a minute, Inspector. If you think Alice
and I…' He stopped.
Logan looked at Ross. 'I don't think anything, Mr
Ross. Like I said, I just ask questions.