One year on He was a surprise to me to Thailand.But you have to do something about his mother's life insurance money before. Because his mother was a doctor in Malaysia and died there. You have a lot of insurance money They call me from Malaysia, I really welcome him home as well. My husband and I went willingly because I talk to him all along. One day, a phone call from a woman.Claiming to be a nurse My friend told me that he phoned shortest infection in the bloodstream.Requires a certain amount of money for treatment. Which is a lot of money for someone who is a teacher, like me. But I had sent to him.When submitted to then He said he came to Thailand, I did not check it. Because of his financial problems And he did not return home with. I'm sorry, he was sent to him. He emits a cute girl came up to me and I always feel. And love child I had to pay a second time to realize that I was deceived. I have put a lot of money. I am very sorry that I was stupid This outwittedThat way it's gone from me. And access by foreigners came to chat with me a lot. As a rogue gang to fool me again. I understand you also