Try worked for me...Except I started getting this all of the sudden and Every single time I would connect to my PC.
I read this solution on the internet but did not think it would work...but I took 2 minutes and tried it and it worked! give it a only have to lose 2 minutes...
1. hold your phone and look at the micro USB connector on the bottom edge of your Skyrocket
2. you will see a "tongue" inside the USB port.
3. put something "non metalic" (I used a flat wooden toothpick). Gently, lift up the "tongue"..
I used a twirling motion on my toothpick to raise the tongue up a little bit. Don't Go PRYING it up...just be gentle because you don't want to break your toothpick inside the phone or break the Tongue.
I did this and now I do not get the "USB device is not recognized". Give it a try and post here if it worked for you. Spread the word if it does.
Good Luck!