My Dear, I do understand you're busy and had no time to reply back to me on time. How are you today and hope you're in a very good health condition? Today I went to the morning mass and now am in Manchester City with my Mum and two kids. I worried that you're still working today when you should be resting I have told my Mum about you and showed her your photo. She said you're beautiful and if I can be happy with you that she will give her blessing and that's what she has been praying for. I didn't tell her much in details about us but I believe she thinks we're in love and I didn't have to start talking about all. She might be right if she thinks so, I can feel am maybe falling in love with you bit by bit. It's a good thing and I hope it becomes reality. My Dear, would you mind dropping me your number? I really wish to hear your voice as we have been sending messages across for couple of times. Hope you always take good care of yourself. I will be going back to London now and guess I will be arriving at night. Take good care of yourself My Darling and hope you will drop me your number. My Mum did asked me to call you so she say Hi but I just said something and changed the topic. It's gonna be strange if she knows I don't have your number. Miss you My Dear. Goodnight Kisses and sleep well.