The X-ray diffraction was conducted with a D/max 2200 X-ray
diffractometer (Tokyo, Japan), a conventional copper target X-ray tube
was set to 30 kV and 30 mA. The X-ray sourcewas Cu Kα radiator. Data
were collected from 2θ of 4.00° to 60.00°(θ being the angle of
diffraction) with a step width of 0.02°, step time of 0.4 s, scanning
speed of 12°/min, divergence slit width of 0.20 mm, scatter slit width
of 0.6 mm, and receiving slit width of 0.20 mm at room temperature,
respectively. Native potato starch and PEF-treated potato starch
samples were dried at 40 °C to a constant moisture in a vacuum
oven, then 50.00 mg samples were added into the slide for packing
prior to X-ray scanning.